Home > Activities & Events > Youth Mob’s First Cultural Activities – On-Country and Sea Country

On-Country and Sea Country

Youth Mob’s first gathering of 2023 included a number of a special cultural activities.
Heather, Sean and Jasper travelled to Kettering, to spend their final day of school holidays on the D’Entrecasteaux Channel sailing and engaging in cultural learning.

Reconciliation Tasmania‘s Chris took everyone for a hands on sail on his Maori Lass timber sloop out into the Channel before sailing south into into #putalina (Oyster Cove). This a site of great cultural significance for Tasmanian Aboriginals and an important place for the founding Youth Mob members to visit.

On returning to Kettering member met with Aunty Kris Schaffer, a highly respected Elder within the Tasmanian Aboriginal community, a bush tucker and horticultural expert, cultural educator, writer and artist. She led everyone through a beautiful Welcome to Country, an ochre-ing ceremony, bush food session and smoking ceremony.

Everyone was engaged and loved the activities… especially the BBQ at the end, with wallaby fillets, lamb snags, veggie burgers and salads.

Great work Youth Mob!

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We’d like to thank our funders for this project.