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Research Opportunity

Researchers from the University of Tasmania are conducting a research project about how young people and the important adults in their lives think and feel about their futures, in the context of key challenges such as climate change. We are looking for young people to partner with us as co-researchers for a two-day research workshop.

We are seeking the involvement of approximately 20 diverse young people living in Tasmania, between the ages of 15 and 19 years.

Young co-researchers will be asked to attend a two-day workshop at the Kingborough Community Hub on the 6th and 7th of April. Day one (6th April) will just include the young co-researchers. They will be asked to invite an important adult in their life from an older generation to attend with them on day two (7th April) of the workshop.

This opportunity will lead to skill enhancement for young people, such as communication skills, interviewing skills, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. They will also be reimbursed with a $200 gift voucher as recognition for their time and expertise.

We are asking for your assistance in distributing the opportunity to be involved in the research project. We are contacting organisations, clubs and societies that work with young people in Tasmania, asking them to circulate the opportunity with their young members and contacts.

Young people can indicate their willingness to be involved in the project by completing this expression of interest form: https://utas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2lYCEgVUklxH6h8. Due to limitations in resourcing and project scope, not all young people who fill in the expression of interest form may be selected to be a co-researcher. This decision will be made based on recruiting a diverse sample of young people from a variety of socio demographic contexts.

Attached is some more information about the project. We have also attached a flyer for you to distribute if you agree to be involved.

The project is being led by Charlotte Jones as part of her PhD at the University of Tasmania. This project has been approved by the University of Tasmania Human Research Ethics Committee, with Project ID: H0030056

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Charlotte: [email protected]


We’d like to thank our funders for this project.